Monday, February 3rd, Academic Aspiration Day-Wear Your College Gear
February 3rd-7th-Counselor Appreciation Week
February 11th-Unit 5 Social Studies Assessment
Vocabulary homework will continue. Just a reminder that students will be assessed on the meaning of each word in context. Monday they will receive the ten words and their nightly assignment. This is replacing spelling homework.
Math: Students will learn how to partition shapes and number lines into equal parts. Students will understand that a fraction is formed when a whole part is partitioned into equal parts. Introduction to Fractions
Grammar: Students will learn how to use commas and quotation marks to show dialogue.
Students will learn how to understand historical, scientific, and procedural texts. They will use strategies pertaining to time, sequence, and cause and effect.
Writing: Students will continue working on their writing for the Young Georgia Author's Competition. This competition is an opportunity for K-12 Clarke County students to showcase their ideas and creativity in various genres.
Young Georgia Authors Competition
Social Studies:
Students will continue learning about British Colonial America. We will discuss what life was like in each of the regions (New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern) and explore different types of occupations. We will review for our Unit 5 Assessment (Colonial America Study Guide).