Friday, January 10, 2020

January 13 - January 17

Thursday, January 14 - PTO meeting at 6:00 pm
Friday, January 17  - Principal's coffee at 7:45 am
Monday, January 21 - MLK holiday

Vocabulary homework will continue. Just a reminder that students will be assessed on the meaning of each word in context. Monday they will receive the ten words and their nightly assignment. This is replacing spelling homework.

Students will learn how to find the perimeter of shapes. Students will apply this understanding to finding the missing side lengthen of a shape and word problems. Image result for perimeter"
Reading: Students will continue comparing and contrasting stories. This week they will focus on comparing and contrasting stories by the same author. Students will think about how the events in the story are alike and different. Our read alouds this week are Stellaluna and Verdi. 

Grammar: Students will learn how groups of words are similar, but can have slightly different meanings. We will refer to this as shades of meaning. Check out the examples below!

Image result for shades of meaning" 

Writing: Students will continue to learn how to write and share their opinions. This week students will focus on adding transition words to their writing as well as how they can make their writing more powerful. 

Social Studies: 
Students will continue learning about the early explorers. Students are studying the following explorers: John Cabot, Vasco Nunez de Balbo, Hernando de Soto, Chirstopher Columbus, Henry Hudson, Jacques Cartier. Students are studying the reasons for exploring, accomplishments, and challenges faced by each of these explorers. Students are also learning about examples of cooperation and conflict between the explorers and Native Americans.