Thursday, February 6, 2020

Week of February 10th - 14th


Thursday, February 13th - cake auction @ 6:30pm
Friday, February 14th - Valentine's day!
Friday, February 21st - Daddy/ Daughter dance @ 6:30pm


Vocabulary homework will continue. Just a reminder that students will be assessed on the meaning of each word in context. Monday they will receive the ten words and their nightly assignment. This is replacing spelling homework.


Students will learn how to partition shapes and number lines into equal parts. Students will understand that a fraction is formed when a whole part is partitioned into equal parts.  Introduction to Fractions
Image result for image of fraction strips


Students will learn how to use commas and quotation marks to show dialogue.


We are focusing on a character's point of view, and how it differs from our own point of view. 


Students are writing petitions and letters to bring about the changes they want to see in our school, and in their own life. 


Students will begin learning about rocks and minerals! Here's a video
Image result for rocks vs minerals