Thursday, January 23, 2020

Week of January 27-31

January 27- January 31

Gifted testing session is coming up. If you are interested in having your child tested for gifted, you may nominate him or her by completing a parent nomination form and providing work samples that demonstrate your child’s gifted traits.  Please email your child's teacher for a nomination form. All forms are DUE BY JANUARY 31st.

Just a reminder, if your student had previously qualified for spectrum they do not need to be retested.

Friday, January 31 - Unit 4 Math test

Friday, February 26 - Science Expo project due. Please see the flyer that went home in your child's Wednesday folder or the link for additional information. We encourage all students to participate. 

Vocabulary homework will continue. Just a reminder that students will be assessed on the meaning of each word in context. Monday they will receive the ten words and their nightly assignment. This is replacing spelling homework.

Students will begin reviewing for Unit 4 test. This test will cover area, perimeter, and quadrilaterals. 

Grammar: Students will learn how to use a glossary and dictionary to find the meaning of a word. Students will focus on using guide words to help them locate words in a dictionary and glossary.

Reading: Students will read historical text to practice analyzing cause and effect.

Writing: Students will start working on their writing piece for the Young Georgia's Author Competition. This competition is opportunity for  K-12 Clarke County students to showcase their ideas and creativity.

Social Studies: 
Students will continue learning about British Colonial America. We will discuss why the colonies were founded, what life was life in each colonial region (New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern Colonies), and how life differed between the three regions.