Homework will come home on Monday. Students complete the column on the homework sheet for that night and bring it back the next day. This week we will begin our Spelling words. The week's word list will be included with the weekly homework. Students are also expected to read for 30 minutes each night. After your child has finished reading you can help reinforce the reading strategy by asking them to summarize what they have read.with the weekly homework.
Spelling Words Begin
As we start this year together, I want to take a moment to convey to you some of my plans for helping your children grow in their abilities to spell conventionally. I have been assessing your children’s spelling during these first few days of school, and I’ve come to believe that some children in the class are choosing only “easy” words to write because they are worried about whether they can spell the more advanced words correctly. My first goal, then, will be to make sure that every child is a fearless and inventive writer and that every child is willing to write enormous rather than sticking with big even if that child cannot spell enormous conventionally. You will see that I do not expect perfect spelling in children’s first-draft writing.
The second thing I have noticed is that many children in this class haven’t yet learned to spell some of the most important high-frequency words—words like because, said, although—correctly. So, each week, I will directly and explicitly teach children a list of high-frequency words. Children will bring that list home on Mondays, they will be quizzed on those words on Fridays, and more importantly, they will be expected to incorporate those spellings into their writing whenever they write. I’ll help them do this!
Meanwhile, there are a few children who will need extra help with spelling. We all know that there are great thinkers who struggle with spelling (Einstein was one of them). I’ll be meeting with a few children to let them know that they will need to put extra time and receive extra help in spelling and that together, we can make huge progress. Meanwhile, these children need to be reminded that although their progress in spelling matters and merits attention, they need to also work toward other goals as well. Like all children, I’ll encourage these youngsters to write a lot and to write with voice and detail. I look forward to supporting and studying your children’s progress toward writing more correct and more effective pieces of writing.
Weekly Spelling Words
4. predator
5. wonder
6. below
7. only
8. year
9. such
10. even
Progress Reports-Check September 11th Wednesday folder
Math Facts: It's never too early to start practicing multiplication facts.
Students will focus on rounding, subtraction, and addition word problems using a Candy Shop transformation for real-world application.
Students will focus on rounding, subtraction, and addition word problems using a Candy Shop transformation for real-world application.
Students will determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.
Students will practice identifying and using parts of speech.
In writing, students will focus on ideas and not be overly concerned with conventions. Students will continue to work on personal narratives and focus on becoming captains of their own writing.
Students will start the Heat Unit for Science.