Monday, Feb. 17th--**Student Holiday
Thursday, Feb. 20th--Class Picture Day
Friday, Feb. 21st--Third Grade Parent Breakfast
(Students will be performing) @ 7:45 a.m. Parent Breakfast Sign Up Form
Friday, Feb. 21st --Father/Daughter Dance 'Bows and Bowties' @ 6:30 p.m.
Vocabulary homework will continue. Just a reminder that students will be assessed on the meaning of each word in context. Monday they will receive the ten words and their nightly assignment. This is replacing spelling homework.
Students will learn about equivalent fractions and how to compare them using a number line and other fraction models.
Students will identify sentence types: simple, compound, and complex, and practice writing them.
We will continue our focus on a character's point of view, and how it differs from our own point of view.
Students will use opinion writing that can change the world! They will study a cause and create petitions.
Investigations of rocks and minerals continues this week with a Scavenger Hunt and exploration of Geology Boxes. They will be building their own rock collections!