Monday, December 16, 2019

Week of December 16 - December 20

This week students will take their math and science test.

12/19: UGA Basketball Field Trip
12/20: Holiday Party

Students will continue to review and prepare for their math unit test that will be given this week. If you are looking for additional ways to help your student prepare check out the links below for practice problems.
Link 1
Link 2

Students will be comparing and contrasting characters, settings, events and themes within texts.
Check the link to see sample passages and questions!

Students are learning pronoun - antecedent agreement
Image result for pronoun and antecedent agreement
Students will work on a new persuasive text. Students will be writing a persuasive ad to sell a gingerbread home. 

Students will prepare for the unit test. A study guide went home last week. Here is a link to a quizlet you can let your student use to practice for the test. Below you will find the map that the quizlet refers to. 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Week of December 9- December 13


Be sure to return permission slips for the December 19th UGA Basketball game.  
Look for Math Study Guide in Wednesday's folder.

Third Grade Holiday Musical 6:30pm Thursday, December 12th 

Weekly Spelling Words:
  1. Never
  2. Own
  3. Add
  4. Kind
  5. Characteristic
  6. I
  7. Eye
  8. Very
  9. Musical
  10. Holiday

We will be reviewing for the Unit Test which will be given on Tuesday, December 17.

Math Unit Review Click the link

Students will continue to focus on solving multi-step word problems using four operations.
The CUBE Method for solving Math word problems Click the link
Solving a word problem using the CUBE Method Click the link
Students will focus on comparing and contrasting books within a series.

 Students will focus on identifying subject-verb agreement

Students will continue with the Persuasive unit in writing. The focus will be on giving reasons to support their opinion.

Students will focus on how animals' external features and adaptations allow them to survive in their habitats: camouflage, hibernation, migration, mimicry
Image result for mimicry animals examples"

Image result for camouflage animal pictures"

Thursday, November 21, 2019

December 2 -6

Week of December 2- December 6


Map Testing Starts at 8:45 am. Please make sure your child is well rested and eats a healthy breakfast.
Wednesday, December 4th Math
Thursday, December 5th Reading
Friday, December 6th Language

Monday, December 2 - Academic aspiration day (wear any college gear)

1. live
2. should
3. below
4. country
5. between
6. does
7. another
9. thought
10. ecosystem

Students will focus on  solving  multi -step word problems using four operations.
Students will focus on comparing and contrasting books with in a series.

 Students will focus on identify subject verb agreement

Students will start the  Persuasive unit in writing. Focusing on giving reasons to support their opinion.

Students will focus on how animal's external features allow them to survive in their habitats.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Week of November 18- November 22


This Wednesday, November 20, we will be going on our Experience UGA field trip. 

Thanksgiving Break is November 25- November 29.





Students will be working on identifying patterns in a multiplication table. Please continue to work on multiplication facts at home. 

Image result for multiplication chart


Students will continue working on identifying the main idea of a nonfiction text. 


Students will continue learning how to combine sentences and phrases together with conjunctions. 

Image result for conjunctions


Students will complete the publishing of their Native American informational writing piece. 

Social Studies:

Students will learn about the regions of Georgia. They will study the plants and animals that live in those regions

Friday, November 8, 2019

Week of November 11 - November 15

Thursday, November 14: Grandparents' luncheon
Wednesday, November 22: Field Trip to UGA a permission slip will be sent home soon.
November 25 - November 29: Thanksgiving break

1. Another
2. Must
3. Change
4. Call
5. Avoid
6. Bold
7. Coward
8. Struggle
9. Triumph
10. Opponent

Students will focus on the distributive property of multiplication. Please continue to work on multiplication facts at home.

Image result for distributive property  
Students will be working on identifying the main idea in nonfiction text. 

Students will learn how to combine sentences and phrases together with conjunctions. 

Image result for conjunctions
Students will publish their informational writing about Native American. 

Students will learn about the regions of Georgia. They will study the plants and animals that live in those regions. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Week of Nov. 4th- Nov. 8th

  • Friday, November 1st- Tuesday November 5th is a fall break for students! Students will return to school on Wednesday, November 6th. 
  • Thursday, November 14th: Grandparents' Thanksgiving Luncheon
  • November 25th-29th: Thanksgiving Break. NO SCHOOL!


No spelling this week! Spelling will resume next week as usual.


We begin a new unit which focuses on the properties and patterns in multiplication. Please continue to practice multiplication facts at home!

Image result for 3 multiplication properties"


We will be working on the theme of a text, and applying it to our reading of The One and Only Ivan. The theme in a story is its underlying message, or 'big idea.' 

Image result for theme of a story


Students will form and use possessive nouns.

Image result for possessive nouns

Students will begin a new piece of informational writing based on our Social Studies unit Native Americans and Early America. 
Image result for native american cultures"

Social Studies:
We will wrap up our unit on Native Americans with an open-note assessment Thursday. Students may also be working to complete mini-projects (i.e.postcards, poster) about the unit in class. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Week of October 28th- November 1st

  • Friday, November 1st- Tuesday November 5th is a fall break for students! We will return to school on Wednesday, November 6th. 
  • Students will be in school on Halloween: Thursday, October 31st, however please do NOT send students to school in a costume. 
  • On Thursday, October 3lst our grade level will recognize student achievement from quarter 1. We will take pictures and post them to our Dojo page, but because of time restraints, parents will not be attending this pride assembly. 
  • Don't forget: Sunday, November 3rd is Daylight Savings- roll your clocks back an hour!

This week is a short week, therefore students will only have 5 spelling words this week!
  1. device
  2. schedule
  3. misery
  4. save 
  5. safe
We are continuing to learn about multiplication and division this week. Please help support your students at home by practicing multiplication and division facts. Have your child practice for 5 minutes each day.

We will begin reviewing for the Unit Test which will be October 29th. Study Guide

Students will determine the meaning of words and phrases both literal and nonliteral language as they are used in the text.    

Grammar: Students will form and use possessive nouns.

Image result for possessive nouns

Students will be using their Informational Writing Checklist as a guide to help them finish and publish their first informational book!

Social Studies:
Students will continue learning about the Native American regions of North America. This week, we will discover some of their contributions that we still use today!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Week of October 21-25

Thursday, October 17,  2019

Week of October 21 - October 25

Sandy Creek Nature Center Field Trip, Friday, October 25, 2019.  We will board the bus at 9:00 am.  If parents want to attend, they will have to follow in their own vehicle.

Red Ribbon Week is the Nations oldest drug prevention campaign. 
Monday-"Roadrunners are Too Fast for Drugs!" Wear your TRES shirt!
Tuesday-"Save the Day from Drugs!" Wear your favorite superhero shirt!
Wednesday-"We're too Bright for Drugs! Wear neon colors!
Thursday-Throwback Thursday "Make Drugs History!" Dress from any decade!
Friday-Third grade field trip-Wear your TRES shirt.


We are continuing to learn about multiplication and division this week. Please help support your students at home by practicing multiplication and division facts. Have your child practice for 5 minutes each day.

We will begin reviewing for the Unit Test which will be October 29th. Study Guide

Students will determine the meaning of words and phrases both literal and nonliteral language as they are used in the text.    

I took my coat off the hook and went outside to play in the snow.

After I explained to my teacher that the school bus was late, I was off the hook.

Grammar: Students will form and use regular and irregular verbs.

Students will be using their Informational Writing Checklist as a guide to help them analyze their own writing and ask themselves, "What am I doing well?" and "What can I do better?"

Social Studies
Students will continue learning about the American Indians of the different regions in North America.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Week of October 14 - October 18


Parent Teacher Conferences starts this week. Make sure you have verified your child's conference time with their teacher. Please take note that the school conference schedule has changed since last year.

  • Tuesday, October 15th is Pajama Day 
  • Wednesday, October 16th is a half day, students will be dismissed at 12:20.
  • Thursday, October 17th is a full conference day which means NO SCHOOL for students.
  • Friday, October 18th is our fall break holiday
Spelling: No Spelling Homework this week due to Early Release and Parent Teacher Conferences we will continue spelling words this week.

We are continuing to learn about multiplication and division this week. Please help support your students at home by practicing multiplication and division facts. Have your child practice for 5 minutes each day. Here is a quick video to show you what we are teaching.

We will continue learning how to describe characters using evidence in the text. 

Grammar: Students will review verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs

Writing: Students will continue writing informational pieces- Students will start "Elaborating Like a Pro" students will learn how to add details to their informational writing to make their writing more interesting to the reader.
Social Studies: We will continue learning about Native American life and culture. Students will learn about Native Americans from the Plains, Arctic, and Northwest region. 

Friday, October 4, 2019

Week of October 7 - October 11


Parent teacher conferences are the week of October 14. Your child's teacher will send home a confirmation of your scheduled time. Please take note that the school conference schedule has changed since last year.

  • Wednesday, October 16th is a half day, students will be dismissed at 12:20.
  • Thursday, October 17th is a full conference day which means NO SCHOOL for students.
  • Friday, October 18th is our fall break holiday
1. Act
2. Certain
3. Clever
4. Explore
5. Locate
6. Animal
7. Page
8. World
9. Between
10. Migrate

We are continuing to learn about multiplication and division this week. Please help support your students at home by practicing multiplication and division facts. Have your child practice for 5 minutes each day. Here is a quick video to show you what we are teaching.
Engage NY Grade 3 Module 1 Lesson 10

We will continue learning how to describe characters using evidence in the text. 
Grammar: Students will study verb tenses. 

Writing: Students will begin writing informational pieces- "teaching" others about a topic that they are an expert at. Here are some things that they will be explaining about their topic to get them started thinking like an expert informational writer.

Social Studies: We will continue learning about Native American life and culture. Students will learn about Native Americans from the Plains, Arctic, and Northwest region.