Sunday, December 8, 2019

Week of December 9- December 13


Be sure to return permission slips for the December 19th UGA Basketball game.  
Look for Math Study Guide in Wednesday's folder.

Third Grade Holiday Musical 6:30pm Thursday, December 12th 

Weekly Spelling Words:
  1. Never
  2. Own
  3. Add
  4. Kind
  5. Characteristic
  6. I
  7. Eye
  8. Very
  9. Musical
  10. Holiday

We will be reviewing for the Unit Test which will be given on Tuesday, December 17.

Math Unit Review Click the link

Students will continue to focus on solving multi-step word problems using four operations.
The CUBE Method for solving Math word problems Click the link
Solving a word problem using the CUBE Method Click the link
Students will focus on comparing and contrasting books within a series.

 Students will focus on identifying subject-verb agreement

Students will continue with the Persuasive unit in writing. The focus will be on giving reasons to support their opinion.

Students will focus on how animals' external features and adaptations allow them to survive in their habitats: camouflage, hibernation, migration, mimicry
Image result for mimicry animals examples"

Image result for camouflage animal pictures"