Friday, October 25, 2019

Week of October 28th- November 1st

  • Friday, November 1st- Tuesday November 5th is a fall break for students! We will return to school on Wednesday, November 6th. 
  • Students will be in school on Halloween: Thursday, October 31st, however please do NOT send students to school in a costume. 
  • On Thursday, October 3lst our grade level will recognize student achievement from quarter 1. We will take pictures and post them to our Dojo page, but because of time restraints, parents will not be attending this pride assembly. 
  • Don't forget: Sunday, November 3rd is Daylight Savings- roll your clocks back an hour!

This week is a short week, therefore students will only have 5 spelling words this week!
  1. device
  2. schedule
  3. misery
  4. save 
  5. safe
We are continuing to learn about multiplication and division this week. Please help support your students at home by practicing multiplication and division facts. Have your child practice for 5 minutes each day.

We will begin reviewing for the Unit Test which will be October 29th. Study Guide

Students will determine the meaning of words and phrases both literal and nonliteral language as they are used in the text.    

Grammar: Students will form and use possessive nouns.

Image result for possessive nouns

Students will be using their Informational Writing Checklist as a guide to help them finish and publish their first informational book!

Social Studies:
Students will continue learning about the Native American regions of North America. This week, we will discover some of their contributions that we still use today!