Thursday, August 15, 2019

August 19 - August 23

Homework will come home on Monday. Students complete the column on the homework sheet for that night and bring it back the next day. Students are also expected to read for 30 minutes each night. After your child has finished reading you can help reinforce the reading strategy by asking them to summarize what they have read.

Library starts this week!

Special Message from Parent Connections!

This is the last chance to be included in the Grade Level Directory.  Please submit the following information by Monday, August 19, to

Student’s name:
Parent 1/Guardian 1 name, phone, email
Parent 2/Guardian 1 name, phone, email


Students will continue learning about rounding. Third graders are expected to round numbers to the tens and hundreds. This week students will focus on estimating and rounding within word problems.

Reading:  Students will continue learning how to summarize a fiction text. Students will use the strategy located on the graphic organizer below to help them summarize. 

Grammar: Students will learn about parts of speech. This week they will focus on nouns and adjectives. 
Writing: Students will draft a small moment story, using a story tellers voice. 

Social Studies: Students will locate the equator, prime meridian, and lines of latitude on a globe. 

Image result for equator prime meridian lines of latitude and longitude