Thursday, August 29, 2019

Week of September 2-6

Homework will come home on Monday. Students complete the column on the homework sheet for that night and bring it back the next day. Students are also expected to read for 30 minutes each night. After your child has finished reading you can help reinforce the reading strategy by asking them to summarize what they have read.

NO SCHOOL: September 2, 2019

Social Studies Unit Test: Students will be taking the Social Studies Unit test  Thursday, September 6. All students received a study guide  to help the, review the most important parts of the test.

Spelling words will begin the second week in September. These words are third grade high frequency words that are commonly misspelled by third grade students. 

Math Facts: It's never to early to start practicing multiplication facts. 


Students will focus on subtraction strategies. Third grade students are expected to subtract within 1,000 using different strategies. Students will be working on the expanded form, count up or back and standard algorithm subtraction strategies.


Students will continue discussing the theme, or central message, of a text.


Students will continue to learn about parts of speech. This week, students will focus on pronouns.

 In writing we are focused on ideas and not overly concerned with conventions.Students will continue to work on personal narratives and focus on a Storyteller's voice. 

Social Studies:
Students will be assessed on map features and major rivers and mountains in the United States.

Students will start the Heat Unit for Science.

Friday, August 23, 2019

August 26- August 30


Homework will come home on Monday. Students complete the column on the homework sheet for that night and bring it back the next day. Students are also expected to read for 30 minutes each night. After your child has finished reading you can help reinforce the reading strategy by asking them to summarize what they have read.

On Tuesday, students will begin MAP testing. Students will take the math portion Tuesday, the reading portion Wednesday, and the language portion on Thursday.

Spelling words will begin in September. These words are third grade high frequency words that are commonly misspelled by third grade students. 


Students will focus on addition strategies. Third grade students are expected to add within 1,000 using different strategies. Students will be working on the expanded form and standard algorithm addition strategies. 



Students will begin discussing the theme, or central message, of a text. 


Students will continue to learn about parts of speech. This week, students will focus on verbs and adverbs.


Students will begin publishing their stories while making sure to use a storyteller's voice in their writing.

Social Studies:

Students will begin locating the six major rivers of the United States of America: Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado, Hudson, and St. Lawrence. Students will also begin locating the two major mountain ranges of the United States of America: Appalachian, Rocky.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

August 19 - August 23

Homework will come home on Monday. Students complete the column on the homework sheet for that night and bring it back the next day. Students are also expected to read for 30 minutes each night. After your child has finished reading you can help reinforce the reading strategy by asking them to summarize what they have read.

Library starts this week!

Special Message from Parent Connections!

This is the last chance to be included in the Grade Level Directory.  Please submit the following information by Monday, August 19, to

Student’s name:
Parent 1/Guardian 1 name, phone, email
Parent 2/Guardian 1 name, phone, email


Students will continue learning about rounding. Third graders are expected to round numbers to the tens and hundreds. This week students will focus on estimating and rounding within word problems.

Reading:  Students will continue learning how to summarize a fiction text. Students will use the strategy located on the graphic organizer below to help them summarize. 

Grammar: Students will learn about parts of speech. This week they will focus on nouns and adjectives. 
Writing: Students will draft a small moment story, using a story tellers voice. 

Social Studies: Students will locate the equator, prime meridian, and lines of latitude on a globe. 

Image result for equator prime meridian lines of latitude and longitude

Friday, August 9, 2019

August 12 - August 16

Homework: Homework will come home on Monday, August 12.

Math: Students will study rounding. Third graders should be able to round numbers to the tens and hundreds place. Students will learn strategies that require them to use a number line and think about benchmark numbers.  

Grammar: Students will learn about verbs, adverbs, nouns, and adjectives. Students will apply their understanding of these parts of speech to their writing by including adjectives and adverbs in their stories. 

Reading: Students will learn how to summarize texts.

Writing:  Students will learn how to find ideas for a story and how to use a story tellers voice when writing. 

Social Studies: Students will continue learning about culture and heritage. A family tree will be sent home on Monday for students to complete with their families. The family tree should be returned to school no later than Friday, August 16.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Week of August 5 - August 8

Image result for third grade clipart

Welcome to third grade! We are so excited to have your child in our classroom this year!

Our third grade blog will be updated each week. The updates will include upcoming classroom and school events as well as what we will be studying in each subject area. 

Monday, Tuesday *,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Schedule
7:45 - 8:00 Announcements/Morning Meeting
8:05 - 9:15 Math
9:25 - 9:45 Grammar/Phonics
9:55 - 10:45 Specials (*Tuesday specials 9:55 - 11:05)
10:55 - 11:35 Reading
11:40 - 12:23 Lunch (lunch times vary slight for each class)
12:25 -12:45 Recess
12:55 - 1:40 Writing
1:45 - 2:30 Science/Social Studies
2:35 Dismissal

Homework Expectations:
Third graders are expected  to read at least 30 min each night.  Research has shown daily independent reading to be one  of the most important factors in predicting student success in school. Please encourage your child to read daily, and ask questions about what he/she is reading!

Your child will receive 1 homework sheet (front and back) each week. They are expected to complete one part of each page every night, and will turn in the homework the following morning. It is your child's responsibility to also write down their homework in their agenda everyday. Homework will begin the 2nd week of school.

In each subject this week we will teach student routines, procedures, and expectations of the classroom. We will also incorporate content and team building during these times.

Math: We will begin studying place value. The understanding of place value will help students round, add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
Reading: Students will focus on understanding characters and how characters change. They will read books that have themes of kindness. This week students will read Enemy Pie, Sophie's Master Piece: A Spider's Tale, Last Day Blues, Under the Lemon Moon, and The Can Man.

Writing: Students will set up their writer's workshop notebooks. These will be given out at the beginning of the week. Students will be allowed to take home their notebooks to decorate the front cover. All notebooks must be returned to school no later than Thursday, August 8. Students will begin generating ideas to write true stories.

Social Studies: Students will begin to study the meaning of culture. Students will think about traditions from their culture and compare and contrast theirs to that of others.